Stewardship, Prayer Team Fr. Nick Mueller Stewardship, Prayer Team Fr. Nick Mueller

First Meeting for the Ascension Prayer Team

Our Ascension Prayer Team will have their first meeting to discuss how you can get involved in praying for our community.

We will meet next Thursday, February 25th at 7 PM on Zoom, and we hope that you can join us!

You can learn more about the Prayer Team here and how to get involved or submit names for commemoration.

Our Ascension Prayer Team will have their first meeting to discuss how you can get involved in praying for our community.

We will meet next Thursday, February 25th at 7 PM on Zoom, and we hope that you can join us!

Join on Zoom here:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 846 4060 2811

You can learn more about the Prayer Team here and how to get involved or submit names for commemoration.

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