Welcome to our Ascension Sunday School program!

First Day: Sunday, September 8th
Includes the Blessing of the Backpacks!

“Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” – Matthew 19:14

Our mission is to bring our youth together in a community of learning about the Orthodox Faith. We provide age-appropriate curriculum and activities to deepen the understanding of our faith and provide an opportunity for spiritual growth for all. All are welcome to participate, from newborns to high school seniors. Registration is open year-round.

Sunday School Groups:

  • Our Parents and Tots Sunday School Class is designed to nurture the faith of infants to 3-year-olds and provide an opportunity for families to connect with others in similar stages of growth. Our parent-led class is equipped with Orthodox-focused resources such as books, toys, and icons to enhance your child's learning experience. We invite you to join us and see your little one grow in their faith alongside you. Our class is ideal for infants, crawlers, and toddlers and allows for children to learn and grow with their peers.

  • Our Preschool - Kindergarten Sunday School class is designed to introduce young children to the Orthodox faith through interactive and fun activities. We read Bible stories, learn about icons, pray, sing hymns, play games and do crafts. Our goal is to provide a solid foundation of the Orthodox faith while making it an enjoyable experience for your child. We welcome parents to stay with their younger children if needed, and our class provides an opportunity for families to learn and grow in their faith together. Help build a stong for an exciting and interactive learning experience that will help shape your child's spiritual journey and provide a strong foundation in Orthodoxy.

  • Our classes are designed to deepen the understanding of the Orthodox faith and its traditions through interactive and engaging activities. We use icons, stories of Saints, and the life of Jesus to create a memorable learning experience. Our curriculum includes the study of icons, learning of Church prayers, diving into theological discussions and participating in fun and creative crafts. It's an excellent opportunity for children to make new friends, grow in their faith, and discover the beauty of Orthodoxy while learning more about God in a fun and interactive way. Join us for an exciting journey of spiritual growth and understanding of Orthodoxy.

    2022/2023 - Sunday School Groups

    • 1st-2nd Grade

    • 3rd Grade

    • 4th-5th Grade

    • 6th-8th Grade: Middle School

  • Designed to provide an opportunity for students to deepen their understanding of the Orthodox faith and its relevance in the real-world through discussions and dialogue with Father Nick. Our curriculum builds on the foundation of what students have learned in previous Sunday School grades, and is designed for students who are ready to challenge themselves and each other to a higher level of knowledge and discussion. The class curriculum includes a focus on Holy Bible information, knowledge of other beliefs, Church history, and social topics that are relevant to this age group, preparing students for adulthood. Join us for an exciting and enlightening journey of spiritual growth and deeper understanding of the Orthodox faith.

    High school students will be invited to join Father Nick for an Orthodox Life session on the first Sunday of the month.


Divine Liturgy | Time: 9:30 a.m.

  • Join us for Liturgy, where you can light candles, venerate the Icons, and receive Communion.

Sunday School | Time: 10:45 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

  • Following Holy Communion, head towards the gym for a light snack before Sunday School sessions. Please note that Sunday School sessions usually are head throughout the school year on Sundays, however, some dates may be shifted due to holidays, feast days or other circumstances.

  • Please refer to our Sunday School calendar for the most up-to-date schedule.

    • 1st Sundays of the Month:

      • Large Group Lesson (All Ages Through 6th Grade): Gather in the Gym.

      • Orthodox Life (Grades 7 through High School): Join us in the AHEPA Room.

    • All Other Sundays: Regular Class Session in grade-level groups (Preschool -Thru 8th Grade).

      • Please head upstairs in the Education Building to find your respective classrooms.

      • Sunday School sessions will run from 10:45 am to approximately 11:30 am.

      • *Parents with children ages newborn-2 years old are invited to meet for fellowship in a child-friendly environment in Room 201.

      • Grade-Level Groups:

        • Parents & Tots: Parent Lead (Room 201)

        • Preschool - Kindergarten:

        • 1st-2nd Grade:

        • 3rd Grade:

        • 4th-5th Grade:

        • 7th & 8th grades:

        • High School:

Parental Involvement

  • We encourage parents to demonstrate their commitment to their children's religious education by bringing them to Liturgy and Sunday School on a regular basis.

About Us

Our Sunday school program is led by Christina Yiannakopoulos and Mariela Kadow. They are supported by a team of dedicated volunteers who are committed to providing a high-quality religious education for our children.


Christina Yiannakopoulos | cfiliosyianna@gmail.com

Ascension Sunday School Co-Director


Mariela Kadow | mariela.kadow@gmail.com

2023/2024 STAFF

  • Parents & Tots: Parent Lead (Room 201)

  • Preschool - Kindergarten: Mariela Kadow

  • 1st-2nd Grade: Edith Gowan & Lisa Grant

  • 3rd Grade: Zoe Maduros

  • 4th-5th Grade: Julia Pappas & Demitra Victor

  • 7th & 8th grades: William Cumbelich & Athena Demakas

  • High School: Father Nick

  • Iconography & Craft Liaison: Eleni Antonelli

  • Hymnography Liaison: Edith Gowan

  • Priests: Fr. Tom Zaferes and Fr. Nick Mueller


This year's theme is "We Believe!" Our curriculum is designed to teach children about the Orthodox Faith in a fun and engaging way, and aligns with the teachings of the Eastern Orthodox Church.

Parent/Volunteering Opportunities:

Get involved and make a difference in your child's education! We are always looking for dedicated parent volunteers to help support our Sunday school program. Available volunteer opportunities include:

  • Classroom helper: Assist the teacher in the classroom, especially for lower level grades.

  • Small group leader: Lead a small group discussion or activity related to the lesson.

  • Substitute teacher: Fill in for the regular teacher if they are unable to attend.

  • Snack provider: Bring in snacks for the class or for special events.

  • Guest speaker: Share your knowledge or experience related to the lesson with the class.

Youth Choir Opportunities:

Join Choir Director Laura Kakkis Serper every Sunday for the Youth Choir, recommended for children in 3rd grade and above, and sing the communion hymn "Praise the Lord". Children who wish to participate may join us in the loft following the Creed.



Support Ascension Bookstore. Processed help support youth ministries.

Rededication Studies

Ascension Cathedral Sunday School Invites all students 12 years and older to participate.

The Rededication curriculum is a great learning experience for students 12 years of age and older to consciously analyze their Orthodox Faith and begin to determine the importance it plays in their lives. At the completion of the required 10 classes, students along with their parents and Godparents will rededicate themselves to Christ on Godparent’s Sunday, January 29, 2023.

Join Mrs. Taylor Sundays after Holy Communion in room 209

Beginning Sunday, October 2.

Click here to download a form and class schedule

Rededication Studies

Join Mrs. Taylor Sundays after Holy Communion

Beginning Sunday, October 2.

The rededication service is strictly voluntary for students who genuinely want to commit themselves and their lives to serving Christ.