2022, Holy Week, Holy Friday, Youth Ministry Fr. Nick Mueller 2022, Holy Week, Holy Friday, Youth Ministry Fr. Nick Mueller

Holy Friday Retreat 2022

All 1st - 8th Graders are invited to join our first annual Holy Friday Retreat on Friday, April 22nd from 10:30 AM - 1:30 PM at Ascension Cathedral.

We will offer three retreat sessions including:

  • Decorating a Paschal Candle and discussing the significance of the Light of Christ

  • Decorating a Kouvouklion

  • An Orthodox Life Session on the meaning of Christ's Sacrifice on the Cross

All 1st - 8th Graders are invited to join our first annual Holy Friday Retreat on Friday, April 22nd from 10:30 AM - 1:30 PM at Ascension Cathedral.

We will offer three retreat sessions including:

  • Decorating a Paschal Candle and discussing the significance of the Light of Christ

  • Decorating a Kouvouklion

  • An Orthodox Life Session on the meaning of Christ's Sacrifice on the Cross

A Lenten Lunch and snacks will be provided.

We wish you and your families a blessed Lenten journey and joyous Pascha!

Those in High School are invited to help facilitate sessions. Contact our team for more information!

In Christ,

Fr. Nick Mueller, Maria Woods, Sia Yfantis and Julia Pappas

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2021, Holy Week, Liturgical Services Fr. Nick Mueller 2021, Holy Week, Liturgical Services Fr. Nick Mueller

2021 Holy Week & Bright Week Service Schedule

We are so excited to be able to celebrate Holy Week together this year! We are meant to pray, experience and participate in the Lord's crucifixion and resurrection together, as one body in Christ, and are thankful that we will be able to do so. We are grateful to the leadership of our clergy, parish council, reopening committee and staff who have put in countless hours to put together the following guidance and plan.


Dear Ascension Community,

We are so excited to be able to celebrate Holy Week together this year! We are meant to pray, experience and participate in the Lord's crucifixion and resurrection together, as one body in Christ, and are thankful that we will be able to do so. We are grateful to the leadership of our clergy, parish council, reopening committee and staff who have put in countless hours to put together the following guidance and plan.

Reservations are now open for Holy Week (Palm Sunday and many of the Holy Week services). Please make sure to review all the services that require an RSVP and make a reservation for only the services you will attend. Our hope is that everyone who would like to attend in-person will be able to do so, and are only requiring RSVPs for services where our maximum capacity is more likely to be reached.

Please make sure to reserve a spot for service before attending via the links below. To comply with guidelines we are limiting attendance to 270 parishioners, practicing social distancing, and wearing face coverings.

To attend you must reserve your spot using the links below. Once you fill out the form, you will receive an email confirmation that you are registered. We are also accepting phone call reservations at 510-531-3400, however we encourage you to use the reservation form.


Reservations for:
Sunday, April 25th- Palm Sunday 10am
Wednesday, April 28th- Holy Wednesday- Holy Unction 3 pm
Wednesday, April 28th- Holy Wednesday - Holy Unction and Matins- 6:00 pm
Thursday, April 29th- Holy Thursday- Matins of the 12 Gospels- 6:00 pm
Friday, April 30th- Holy Friday- Apokatheilosis 3:00 pm
Friday, April 30th- Holy Friday- Epitaphios- 6:00 pm (no outdoor procession, indoors only)
Saturday, May 1st- Holy & Great Saturday Vesperal Liturgy- 9:00 am
Saturday, May 1st- Holy & Great Saturday- Anastasis Midnight: Matins and Divine Liturgy - 11:30 pm (will begin on the Platia followed by Divine Liturgy in the Cathedral)

Your health and safety as well as your spiritual health is our top priority, all the steps we are taking are in consideration of your well being. If you are not feeling well or have health conditions that make you more vulnerable, we ask you to continue to enjoy services from home via the live streaming. Also please note- the outside doors will be open to allow for airflow which might be drafty so please bring a jacket.

Please click the link for more information about what to expect when you come to the Cathedral as well as the list of questions to ask yourself before you come.

See attached for a detailed schedule for ALL services for Holy Week.

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