Youth Ministries Events for Spring and Summer 2022

Beloved Ascension Community,

Kali sarakosti! We wish you a blessed and spiritually fulfilling Great Lent!

As we begin our Lenten Journey together as a family, as Fr. Costa Efstathiou so beautifully reminded us in his Forgiveness Vespers sermon, please note the following dates as opportunities for fellowship and spiritual growth. If you would like to assist with any of the following, please contact Fr. Nick. Many of our youth ministries are returning this month including our Basketball Ministry with its usual practices on Saturday mornings and Dance Ministry, as well.

If you are a graduating High School senior and need to complete service hours for graduation, contact Fr. Nick to learn more about how you can assist with these upcoming events to complete service hours.

More information will be forthcoming about each event.

On-going through Friday, April 15th

International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC) Relief Kits for Ukraine Organized by our Ascension Philoptochos

Purchase all kit items, except hand towels and towels, and drop your completed kits at our Church Office or in the Narthex on Sundays. Donations can be made toward the bulk purchase of hand towels and towels through our Ascension Philoptochos Venmo: @ascension-philotochos.

Saturday, March 26th - Family Fun Day

  • 2 - 4 PM - HOPE & JOY Games, Snacks and group activity at Ascension on the Platia & in Gym

  • 4 - 5 PM - Dinner

  • 5 - 8 PM JR. GOYA and SR. GOYA Games, Snacks and group activity on the Platia & in the Gym

Sunday, April 3rd - Parish St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival

Friday, April 8th Becoming an Altar Boy 

  • 5 PM - 6:30 PM Dinner and mini-retreat about how to serve in the altar.

  • All boys ages 8 + welcome!

Friday, April 15th - Palm Folding and Potluck Dinner 

  • 5 PM - 8 PM - Join us for a fun family evening, open to our whole community, folding palms in preparation for Palm Sunday. Bring a lenten dish for the potluck!

  • Final Day to Drop Off IOCC Relief Kits. We will prepare to ship them on the evening of April 15 by boxing them up.

Friday, April 22nd - Holy Friday Retreat 

If needed, contact Fr. Nick for a letter to be dismissed from school to participate in the day.

  • The Service of Royal Hours

  • 10:30 AM - Breakfast followed by Retreat Projects and Sessions

  • 12:30 PM - Lunch

  • 1:00 PM - Dismissal

  • Unnailing Vespers

  • Lamentations

Sunday, April 24th - Great and Holy Pascha

  • Agape Vespers and Parish Picnic

Saturday, April 30th - District St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival at Holy Cross, Belmont

Saturday, June 11th - Saturday, June 19th - Ascension Summer Camp

Vacation Church School - TBD

We look forward to your participation in these upcoming events and rejoicing together on Great and Holy Pascha! We thank our families, members and our Youth Council for making these upcoming events possible. 

We also ask that you please take a few moments now to complete a very brief survey to ensure that we have the names and recent contact information for you and the children in your family. Once our list is compiled, we will begin our outreach, and parents and children will have the opportunity to share their perspectives and provide information that will help shape the future of our church community programs.

In Christ,

Fr. Tom & Fr. Nick


Offer Relief and Support for Ukraine


Ascension Cathedral to Host Bay Area Forgiveness Vespers