UPDATE: Altar Fundraiser

How lovely is your dwelling place,  O Lord of hosts!

- Psalm 84:1

Beloved Members of Ascension Cathedral,

A few months ago a fundraiser was started by one of the younger members of our community towards renewing appointments in the Holy Altar and the church. This young man offered his own talent – drawing icons – as well as his time out of his love for the church. What is so thoughtful about this prayerful offering of stewardship is that it is in the purpose of the care for and beautification of our church. Our church does not end at the boundaries of 4700 Lincoln Avenue, so when each of these icons goes to a home, or an office, or wherever their destination might be, that little extension of the church becomes all the more sanctified.

Inspired by this fundraiser, another anonymous member of our community has stepped forward to support this good work and is offering a matching contribution towards the funds raised. So, if you have not had the opportunity to commission an icon or to make an offering, please take advantage at this time, particularly before school begins again this fall. When the fundraiser is complete we will announce the total funds raised and how we will apply the funds.

Commission an icon by contacting Johnny here: 25393@dlshs.org

Finally, the generosity of this anonymous donor is a reminder that when we do something good we inspire others towards good. A wonderful lesson in-of-itself. We extend our thanks to those who have already commissioned an icon and made a donation.

May we have the intercessions of the saints depicted in these icons, and in particular, St. Lawrence of Megara, a master builder, to guide the care of our church and its grounds.

In Christ,

Fr. Nick Mueller


Youth Council 2023 - 2024 Ministry Update


Feast of the Ascension 2023