Leadership Transition Announcement

Dear Ascension Cathedral Members,

Christ is risen!

First, my apologies for the issues we had with the live stream service interruption on Sunday morning, especially with the announcement from His Eminence Metropolitan Gerasimos. 

On Sunday morning following Divine Liturgy, His Eminence announced that there will be a change in leadership at Ascension Cathedral. In September of this year, Fr. Nick will assume the role of Proistamenos (head priest) and I will take a supporting role within the community. This decision comes following discussions between His Eminence, Fr. Nick, myself and our Parish Council. His Eminence has been in discussion with the Parish Council about this transition, and has met with them to hear their concerns and questions regarding this important change. Our Parish Council overwhelmingly supports this transition, and are ready to support and facilitate this transition. 

My goal has always been to serve this community and to try to do what is best for the Ascension Cathedral in Oakland. With this in mind, some months ago, Fr. Nick and I discussed his family’s future here. He and Presvytera Dena very much want to serve this community on a long term basis.  Fr. Nick assuming the leadership of our beloved Cathedral is a blessing for our church, and their family looks forward to continuing ministry here. What better scenario than to have a young talented energetic priest with his family to now be our spiritual leader.

I am nearing retirement age, but not quite ready to retire. I want to continue serving this community in any capacity I can as well as to offer support to our Metropolitan and the Metropolis. So, being mindful of the needs of the Church and Ascension Cathedral, this is a logical course of action. We thank His Eminence for his blessing, encouragement and support in discerning these next steps. 

I will be going into hip replacement surgery on May 2nd and will be recovering for a few weeks. During this time, Fr. Nick will be responding to the pastoral and administrative duties of the community. Fr. Nick is the best person to take the lead at Ascension and I look forward to continuing to work with and support him.

We will continue to update the community with more information to follow. For now, let's embrace Father Nick, Presvytera Dena, Symeon, and Elias in our Ascension, Oakland fashion and welcome them home. I also want to assure you that I will continue to support the Cathedral as we continue this journey together.

In His Love,

Fr. Tom


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