Tom and Marie Banis and Family


Our family has enjoyed the many blessings the Ascension Cathedral has offered.  It has been a place where we have raised our children in AscensionMom’s Group, Sunday School, Ascension Summer Camp, GOYA, Greek Folk Dance and the beautiful Liturgical services every week as well as our Pascha Services that are coming up.  Our church has taught us to be kind and be thankful for all the blessings God has provided us.

The service to our church in Time, Talent and Treasures has been a part of all our lives since my brother and I have served as the fourth generation as Parish Council President and my father Andrew was a third generation.  My Papou, George Bezaitis served as President and Chairman of the construction of the Cathedral and my Great Papou, John Sardell served as President was a founder of this community.  We hope our children will serve as the fifth generation of service to help continue this wonderful Cathedral we call home.

Tom and Marie Banis and Family


The Woods Family


Remember when?